Hello! I’m Judit, designer and owner of The Sweet Designs Shoppe I was born and raised in Monterrey Mexico, moved to South Carolina in 2004 when my husband was offered a position to help develop a new technology for his company. I have a BA in Architecture, I drink way too much coffee and feed my obsession for architecture with home decor. I love fashion, makeup, and crafts. I’m the wife of a very patient and brilliant men, a mom of three active and loving kids and one for a four legged loving dog, a daughter to great parents, and a sister to five crazy human beings.
My cookie journey started with my daughter’s first birthday party and I was completely obsessed after that. But it wasn’t until my twins where born that I made the decision to start my cookie business, I wanted to spend more time with my kids but still needed that creative outlet, the extra income and that feeling of accomplishment I only get with a job “outside the home”.
A year into my cookie business I felt like the cookie cutters designs out there where lacking what I needed for my business, I’m a slow decorator and I needed simpler solutions if I wanted to keep my cookie business growing. So, I bought myself a 3D printer to make my own designs. My cookie business followers notices something different about the cookie cutters I was using, and immediately had requests to start selling my cutters. So, we combined my creativity and knowledge about the cookie business, and my husbands talent and experience in production and engineering... and that is how our business started.
I hope you enjoy my designs as much as I do! All of our Cookie Cutters and Stencils are proudly made in the USA.
Thank you!!